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No us equivoqueu!

Foto del escritor: La Selva de l'AventuraLa Selva de l'Aventura

Si veniu diumenge al parc, no us equivoqueu d'hora!

El darrer diumenge d'octubre haurem d'endarrerir una hora els rellotges: quan les busques marquin les 3 de la matinada, seran les 2.

Aquest canvi es fa amb la intenció d’ajustar la jornada laboral a les hores de llum natural. Com a conseqüència, es fa fosc més aviat, per tant, a partir de novembre haurem de tancar abans el parc. L’horari de novembre serà de 10h a 17h. Recordeu que obrim els caps de setmana fins el 27 de novembre, i també obrim el 31 d'octubre i l'1 de novembre. Totes les activitats estan obertes, fins i tot el Camina descalç que, si fa fred, es pot fer amb sabates.

Fins aviat!

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29 comentários

Anna Truong
Anna Truong
08 de out. de 2024

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18 de jul. de 2024

All the girls you can call are pretty and have great bodies. You can pick one you like. They can make your nights fun in India and your days happy. If you hire a Call girl in India, you don't need to hire a guide. These girls can be your guide and take you to places even a professional guide wouldn't. You'll probably enjoy their company more than a guide's when you visit all the beautiful spots in India. This is a big reason why people hire them.


Isha Deol
Isha Deol
22 de jun. de 2024

Are you looking for a beautiful, talented and passionate Cheap call girls in India? You have come to the right place.

At book, we provide the best call girl in India that are really affordable and affordable, but only if you want to spend some time with them. So what are you waiting for? Book Your Trusted India Dream Girl Today

Booking a dream Call girl in India is easy and fun. The world is full of beautiful girls, but finding the one that matches your requirements is not an easy task. There are a lot of things that you should consider while booking a dream girl like, her age, education, religion and many more.

When you want to book a…


27 de set. de 2023

Chennai escorts are some of the most beautiful and stylish women you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. They are well-educated, well-spoken, and know how to have a good time. Whether you are looking for a date for a special event or just someone to keep you company during your stay in Chennai, these escorts will not disappoint.


Lee sara
Lee sara
29 de mai. de 2023

Thank you for providing this information. I am delighted to come on this fantastic article.

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